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A few words from satisfied clients.

“Outstanding participation. The best workshop we’ve ever done in terms of results we can use tomorrow to make the business accelerate. I would recommend ArrowHead3 to any company looking to clarify a complex product story for maximum impact.”

Janet Eden-Harris

CEO of Umbria

“I feel armed with a distinct and succinct message that my prospects will understand. I now have a credible way to deliver our value. Best training I have ever had. I am truly armed & confident to engage prospect and uncover the right opportunities.”

Todd Morin

Inside Sales Manager

“Incredible, exceeded expectations. Helped me to give clarity to the Umbria message.”

TIM Guzman

Sales Manager

“The work forced us to think deeply and in uncomfortable ways about a complex policy topic. Facilitation is excellent and improves us immensely.”

Mike Reitz

Executive vP of Mackinac Center for Public Policy

“Better prepared to help my client (who just did ArrowHead work) meet their messaging goals. I know my client is better prepared to engage in the type of marketing & framework I’m developing for them."


Account Representative, Singularis Group

“The workshop helped Kansas Policy Institute focus our message and allowed me to expand the way I do my job. It was much more intense and focus-driven than other work we’ve done. It was more outcome driven, than just process.”

David Dorsey

Senior education Policy Analyst, Kansas Policy Institute

“Great help with communication strategies and distillation of our key messaging. ArrowHead3 did a fantastic job of making the content relevant and truly understanding our business and driving us to divine the key components of our messages that are most important to our clients and prospects.”

David Howlett

VP Consumer Insights & Strategy

Going through the (ArrowHead) exercise with our gang is always valuable.”

Jack McHugh

SENIOR LEGISLATIVE ANALYST, Mackinac Center for Public Policy

“Clarity on the key selling points of our products. There was more focus on our specific business—with actionable results.”

Richard Wolniewicz

VP Engineering

This clear message will enable me to focus my initiatives and ideally communicate the value of our offering. It was much more interactive and engaging than any other training.”

Susan Kohut

Director of Channels

“I came out with new tools and arrows for my quiver. I feel for the first time I can put a face on (policy issue)”

Marc Morris

Media Relations Manager, Mercatus Center

“(The ArrowHead work session) is much more interactive, in-depth and purposeful, with a result that can be broadly applied well.”

Scott Phillips

Director of Development, Kansas Policy Institute

“This workshop and all that I’ve learned, is absolutely priceless. The process I learned is something I can do over and over again to greatly benefit my organization.”

Lindsay Boyd Killen

Policy Director, Beacon Center of Tennessee

“The workshop changed my way of thinking about presentations and speeches.”

Oprhe Divounguy, PH.D.

The Buckeye Institute

“This workshop gave me very practical tools that I will immediately use in the work I do on a daily basis.”

Suzanne Bates

Director of Policy & Legislative outreach, Yankee Institute

“It is very helpful to think through the importance of stories. The role-playing of scenarios was particularly useful, especially the reframe of objections.”

Greg R. Lawson

Senior Policy Analyst, The Buckeye Institute

“I was certainly challenged on the topic but this workshop gave me the opportunity to practice effective techniques for expressing our viewpoint. This training will definitely improve my ability to present my case and arguments for all issues we support.”

James D. Amundsen

State Director, Americans for Prosperity

“I had been concerned that educating on this issue would raise awareness of my opposition. Now that I know how to message and how to educate, I’m anxious to get back and work on this issue.”

Anna McCaulsin

Deputy State Director, Americans for Prosperity

“I will be better equipped to tackle any issue. The ArrowHead and other tools such as riffs, loglines and murder rooms give me the upper hand in any situation.”

Robert D. Cain Jr.

State Director, Americans for Prosperity

“The interaction & audience participation was mandatory but didn’t feel coerced or uncomfortable; instead it was very helpful & productive. Will help me add focus & structure to my presentations.”

Victor E. Bernson

General Counsel, Americans for Prosperity

“We are different and now can show how; I have awesome team notes.”

Rob Danforth, PE

Principal, FSI Consulting Engineers

“The power of a story. Pain + Gain = Value.”

Kevin Chadwick, PE

LEED AP BD+C/PRINCIPAL, FSI Consulting Engineers

“I learned how to say something to customers that I knew, but could not verbalize.”

Andrew LAngdon, PE

LEED AP/Associate, Fsi Consulting Engineers

“The power of a story. The uniqueness of FSI. The power of the whiteboard. The process was very intentional. It made space for pain (mis-steps) & gains (wins). It made it safe for every participant to have a voice and contribute.”

Rick Himmel, PE

LEED AP/Senior Associate, FSI Consulting Engineers

“As someone with no sales background and limited engineering knowledge, I feel comfortable talking about who FSI is and what makes us different.”

Jennette Wornton, CMA

Controller, FSI Consulting Engineers

“Where do I start. New perspective: tools to break it down (Arrow, StoryArc,...).”

Ola Jarvegren

Senior Project Manager/Associate, FSI Consulting Engineers

“Clarified how to tell others what we’re about & how that benefits them.”

Ben Rough, PE

FPE/LEED AP BD+C/CCP, FSI Consulting Engineers

“Message clarification. The process was excellent practice for company leaders, & an opportunity to really focus. That wouldn’t have happened without this session.”

Kim Sherman

Marketing Director, FSI Consulting Engineers

“How was this work session different from others you have done? Hands-on & doing, versus listening. It was interactive & engaging.”

Rob Danforth, PE

Principal, FSI Consulting Engineers

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